The Schumacher College Scottish alumni joined hands to create a seedling in Scotland. We wish to continue the legacy of Transformative Learning for Ecological and Social Change – Holistic Education, Deep Ecology, Connection
The team gently co-created an eco phenomenological Nature connection event to increase wellbeing. As a result, we nearly forgot for a few hours that the Fringe Festival business was happening close-by.
***Switch in – hear the rustle of the trees, breathe in the wind, feel the sun on your face. The more we connect with the Natural world, the happier we are.
Starting indoors with an immersive conversation, join us for a holistic journey of walking and watching along the Water of Leith exploring Nature within the city.
Encounter paths to belonging and ways of being which deepen our connection with each other and the wider world. End up re-freshed, mindful, with a rooted sense of your own inner wisdom.
Bring waterproof clothing and snacks to share.***
Schumacher Scotland facilitators: Glen Cousquer, David Delsart, Mona Kastell, Murray Mc Grath, Hannah Myers, Danuta Orlowska & Alasdair Sim
Photography: Hannah Myers