JOYCE MCMILLAN, on ARCHES LIVE ! 2012 (3) at the Arches Theatre, Glasgow 27.9.12
[…] As for Mona Kastell’s L’Eveil, it’s billed as a “costume-led” show, and its solo performer Mazz Marsden does indeed wear a remarkable, chrysalis-like hemp costume, as she dances her way through something like the emergence of a dragon-fly, and its first stretaching of its wings. The content, though, doesn’t amount to much more than a familiar series of movement-theatre cliches about birth, hatching, the life-cycle; attractive to look at, particularly when the light shimmers through the rough fabric, but not original enough to linger long in the mind.THE HERALD
Wobbly wonders in progress Arches Live!, Arches Glasgow Published on 27 September 2012
by Mary Brennan
Here’s the lovely paradox: sometimes when the shows are wobbly, or all over the place, is when Arches Live! plays to its strengths. Without this supportive public platform, how are emerging artists, or indeed established ones, ever going to test new material or their ability to put it across?
L’Eveil (HHH) found Mazz Marsden encased inside a fascinating sculptural costume designed by the director Mona Kastell. Think “gorgeous chrysalis” and you’ll be in tune with the process that saw Marsden morph from bulbous wriggler to back-lit butterfly, albeit masked as if a hybrid insect-human. The costume is the drama here, and while it creates a narrative it also imposes repetitive limits on movement – Marsden triumphs, nonetheless.
Photos by RED RETINA